Landscape Maintenance District Advisory Group
Neighbors Making a Difference
Our Mission
To enhance our neighborhoods and address fire and wind safety along Twin Peaks and Espola roads by securing sufficient funding, through a partnership with the City of Poway and a successful vote of LMD property owners, to implement sustainable landscaping improvements and maintenance.
In a Nutshell
LMD 83-1 and LMD 86-1 were created in the 1980s, when the developments were new, to fund common-area landscaping
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s the LMDs had well-landscaped neighborhood entrances and smaller, fewer, nicely groomed trees
The LMD assessment levels haven’t increased for more than 20 years
Meanwhile, trees grew and multiplied, irrigation systems aged, water and labor costs increased, and the landscaping and trees suffered through severe droughts
The combined result has been reduced maintenance, the complete loss of neighborhood entrance landscaping and aesthetics, and increased wind and fire hazards from the trees
The LMDAG is a volunteer group of neighbors who are concerned about the state of landscaping and trees in the LMDs
The LMDAG is working with the City of Poway to find a way to
Replace lost neighborhood entrance landscaping
Reduce the wind and fire hazards of the overgrown trees
Create financially sustainable LMD landscape maintenance
What is a Landscape Maintenance District (LMD)?
An LMD is an identified area in which benefitting property owners pay for enhanced landscaping and other improvements and services beyond those generally provided by the City.
Where are LMD 83-1 and LMD 86-1?
LMD 83-1 (Twin Peaks LMD) generally includes the neighborhoods on the north and south sides of Twin Peaks Road from the Poway City boundary on the west to Espola Road on the east. Find your LMD here.
LMD 86-1 (Espola LMD) generally includes the neighborhoods on the east and west sides of Espola Road from Twin Peaks Road to Cloudcroft Drive. Find your LMD here.
What is the Landscape Maintenance District Advisory Group (LMD Advisory Group)?
The LMD Advisory Group is volunteer group of neighbors who live within the Landscape Maintenance Districts on both sides of Twin Peaks Road and Espola Road. Members of the LMD Advisory Group were appointed by the Poway City Manager after expressing interest in improving the status and safety of landscaping and landscape maintenance in their neighborhoods.
Who are the members of the LMD Advisory Group?
The LMD Advisory Group currently has 12 members. Find out more about the LMD Advisory Group members here.
Why was the LMD Advisory Group created?
The LMD Advisory Group was formed by the City of Poway to help define a path forward to address landscape rehabilitation and maintenance, fire safety and funding issues within the two Landscape Maintenance Districts.
What are the issues the LMD Advisory Group is trying to address?
The LMD Advisory Group is trying to address 1) the deterioration and loss of the once well-kept landscaping at the entrances to our neighborhoods from Twin Peaks and Espola roads, 2) the increased wind and fire risk resulting from over-growth and the deteriorated state of the eucalyptus trees along Twin Peaks and Espola roads, and 3) the financial solvency and sustainability of the LMDs in the future.
83-1 (Twin Peaks)
86-1 (Espola)