Neighbors Making a Difference
LMD Program Schedule
The LMD Program Schedule is being updated. Key upcoming components of the schedule include:
Landscape Master Plan - a conceptual plan to provide a vision for landscape rehabilitation in the LMDs at the neighborhood entrances and along Twin Peaks and Espola roads - the Final Landscape Master Plan will be presented to the Poway City Council on May 16, 2023 for receipt and adoption.
Hazardous Tree Removal - using funding from a FEMA grant and the City of Poway, the City will remove hazardous and diseased trees along Twin Peaks and Espola roads in the LMDs - the grant has been awarded and tree removal is pending final final go-ahead from FEMA - we hope this work can take place in 2023.
Engineer’s Report - an independent analysis to determine which properties receive special benefit from the landscape improvements and what the LMD revenues need to be to maintain and improve the LMD landscaping - the analysis will take place in 2024.
Ballot - a special vote of property owners within the LMDs to solicit an assessment increase that will allow for rehabilitation of landscaping at neighborhood entrances and improved ongoing maintenance at the entrances and for the remaining trees along Twin Peaks and Espola roads - targeting mid/late 2024.